Saturday, August 30, 2008

Random Rubbish

Well you talk about a dark horse with McCain. It will be interesting to see where this goes. I can see him picking Sarah Palin to try and get the female vote, but he has to put away that inexperienced bash on Obama now. From what I have read she has taken on the Republican party a time or two in regards to Alaska and oil. It was a risk, and one I feel won't pay off. I still would have gone for Lieberman to get more of that independent vote. The die hard right will always vote for the Republican nominee.
Even if Obama gets in there I feel he will make some positive changes. I watched his speech at the Democratic Convention and I felt like I was watching a modern day JFK. Unfortunately the common theme of a politician is to talk about what you want to accomplish, yet there is so much red tape with congress and federal laws that many things take forever to happen. Either way I will take the establishment of checks and balances over the dominance and power of authoritarian rule. I definitely don't consider myself a Machiavellian.
Anyway, yesterday was pretty funny. Ayden had to go to the dentist to get some fillings. At first we tried to drug him, which he definitely went to sleep, but woke up before any work could be done. Finally he took it like a champ and allowed Dr. Tidwell to give him the gas. Probably the funniest thing I have ever seen. Kid was as loopy as a slinky and hitting up the entertainment of Sponge Bob Squarepants. I hope this doesn't lead to a life of doing shrooms and hitting the chronic. I believe Karen is going to post some pics, if she hasn't already. Much thanks to Dr. T for getting the job done, and to Ayden for manning up to the task at hand.
So here's the thought of the day. If you were a bird why would you live in the poor neighborhoods? I mean if I had free reign of the air, I would definitely hit up nice areas like Traverse Mountain or go chill in that river by the La Calle. Not Rose Park. A thought to gnaw on for your Labor Day weekend. Isn't that puzzling, we call it Labor Day, yet we get the day off? I don't know much about the origin of Labor Day, but why would we celebrate Laboring with a day off? Having the ability to Labor should be a blessing and not something that needs to have a holiday from. Something else to gnaw on.
Well enough gnawing. I will sign off for now. Time to get hit up some yogurt and one of those Fiber bars. Those things aren't bad, but man o man do they give you some major gas. Every time a silent but violent gets thrown into the mix I chuckle and wait for the reaction from other people. Everyone has done it. Don't give me that rubbish that you haven't. You know you enjoy it when you let one rip right before you exit the elevator and realize that 4 or 5 people are going to experience the taste of your aftermath as they get on to get to their destination. Perhaps I am easily amused.

Hope all is well.



You are SO cruel!! I hope one of these days Karen pulls out a covered wagon as you peacefully slumber!