Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well I figure it's about time we catch up with the family and start our blog. It's like a journal on Steroids. It's nice to get that opportunity to slow life down and realize exactly what's going on. Anything to help seize the moment can't be a bad thing. I do have to warn you that I have been listening to a lot of Styx lately so this could get a bit crazy.
I have to admit life is great right now. Busy, stressful, yet I definitely can't complain. Although I did make the mistake of flipping the channel to the Democratic Convention that was going on in Denver. Nothing against the left, after all I did attend the University of Utah for a stint, but unfortunately Melissa Etheridge was singing a patriotic number. I fear I am going to wake up in a cold sweat shortly after I hit REM sleep. The only thing worse than Melissa Etheridge would have to be Macy Gray.
Staying on the topic of politics, Rumor has it that McCain should announce his running mate on Friday(Aug 29th). If I were a betting man I would go for Romney, however I do see the dark horse being Lieberman. This would put those strict right conservatives praying for 2012. It's their fault for pushing for Huckabee. I wouldn't mind Lieberman, however I would love to see what Romney could do with this economy.
Well I apologize for all of the politics talk. Sad thing is I could go on for hours, but I'm sure you would rather hear about Ayden's progression of going "potty" and how he reminds me that "hell" is a bad word. For the record he is now wiping his own bum and hell is still a bad word. I just found that out.
Anyway, like I said life is great. I registered for my last semester at BYU, which starts next week. It has been a long and tedious trek, for which I apologize to my wife Karen. I do want her to know that I appreciate her support through all of it. I've got nothing but love for my wife and kids and I hope they know that. It will be nice to move on with life and focus on a career.
Well I will depart for now, but I hope to make this a regular posting so buckle up. I hope some people get some enjoyment out of it, but I have to admit it's more of an opportunity for me to slow a busy life down and try to appreciate more the beauty of life as I now engage.

Until then, don't you go changing and remember "Never take a wooden nickel from a man with a banana in his pocket." I still have no idea what the hell that means Michael. Ooops, bad word.



Guess it's not Lieberman! Love you, Pickle, and I hope this semester doesn't go too fast. I'll miss you when you leave! I must warn you, blogging is an addicting but creative outlet! I'm excited to read what's on your mind!